The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

What is it that I need and what is it that I ask for? What do all these questions mean? And do the answers even exist? I'm so bored and tired of the same cycle again and again! Doesn't everyone deserve a change? Doesn't everyone want a change? and then why don't they change? Don't people get bored of pretending and lying and why don't they change then? If change is not constant would it not become stagnant? But if change doesn't change, it would be the same change! But if change changes it would change to the opposite that is not same as change!! So should it or should it not change?

Oh how happy and relieved these few lines make me! I've finally been able to put my views about change in a much resolved manner than how they were in my brain.. Though theres lots more to it.. This much is enough for the time being. Wonder if anyone could enlighten me a bit more about what I have just puked on these virtual pages! I know its a pretty dark shade, but its very colorful too if you know how to see! ;-) or shall I say if you can see my way, where I'm pointing towards.. cheers!!


First of all,it appears you desperately need some change!!!!And as you asked,answers do exist,but sometimes they are so trivial that we dont think they are the solutions and sometimes,they are difficult to find,rather we dont want to take the efforts to find them.
And about everybody,well i think people want change more than people deserving a change!!
When you say change doesnt change,its not becoming stagnant,but it becomes routine.
When change changes,it is always for something good.So it should change,rather people should let it change.Because we are so comfortable with our routine(A non changing change),that we dont want a change,but we say we want a change!!!