The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

The sun shines on my skin today,
with a different light in his eyes..
Meant to burn as he is, yet he soothes and heals me today..
Smiling knowingly, he enjoys my confusion at his exhibition of love.
He sows seeds of magenta deep in my heart,
He sprinkles Pink, jade, rust, amethyst, mustard and maroon, beige, grey, azure, white coral, brown, ochre, navy blue, chrome, plum and olive, sliver, aquamarine and lime green, on my being..
Presents me the colors which the rainbow is depreived of,
which he reserved only for me..
The he takes shelter from the clouds and covers himself,
playing hide and seek with my longing.
A deep black is what i love and so unwillingly he gives it to me..
My sun showers me with the cool black but he can't hold back!
He sparkles gold through the soft stark velvety darkness, just to see the smile on my face,
which he planted the moment I felt his presence in my being..
The smile which stays forever..
His presence blows me apart and yet he delicately cuddles me in..
He enters me and all the colors explode and swim around us,
twinkling exhilirated at the happening of and extraodinarily ordinary love..


Frankly speaking dear,what Pablo Picasso did with stray lines,you do it with words!!!!!!

oh my god!! Thats a huge compliment but thanks a ton nonetheless!