The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

On my way to college this morning, trying hard to dodge the meandering un-caring inhabitants of Upper-indira nagar, a little girl of 5 or 6 crossed the road and i was well away from her. The route was deserted for a minute piece of a minute, (a very rare phenomenon considering the kind of creatures that inhibit the area), and i ceased the chance to speed up a bit to gain yardage. And as i did that, i noticed there was a small boy with here, the same age presumably. He too was trying to cross the road close behind her. But due to my intervention, he was unable to do this! I felt sad but thought he would cross it after i passed, but unfortunately a load of vehicles followed me. I saw these emotions flash through his eyes in a jiffy. Fear, tension, longing, amazement, embarassement.. All these while he grasped the incident that just happened. She was with him till they left feom home to go to school, and suddenly at one moment she went ahead and crossed the road, she walked away and didn't even look back to check if he was there. Perhaps she had no doubt that he would follow or he would always be there.
This incident made me think about two things..

Firstly, Knowingly or unknowingly we are catalyst in so many things happening around us in the world. Like what happened with those kids on the road back there. (I hope he managed to cross the road, and that they both reached their destination together :)) We are carrying on our work and daily routine activities, but rarely do we stop and try to see what effect our banal actions have on our surroundings. Leave alone the strangers, we do not even wait for a moment and think of what our words do to people who are close to us, who supposedly mean a lot to us. We just take things for granted. We act as if we are the only person in the world who feels things, who has emotions. (Atleast i tend to do that at times). And in turn we suffer because the people we love suffer! It just takes a moment to stop and look back at life or at the moments gone past. Take a second to tell the people you love, that you love them. Take a minute to look at how our actions are affecting the environment. How our daily routine cause a hurdle to others.. at times.. It may not seem like a big deal to us.. but it does affect them in a big way.

Secondly, About relationships. Both the things are connected. and this might be a corollary to the first realisation. Like the girl on the road didn't even realise that the boy had not followed her. Many times we fail to realise that some people have not folllowed us for a while, because we take them for granted, we take life for granted. Many times it is because of external un-avoidable reasons that the are not with us (here the factor was me). But many times it happnens that we fail to know that we are causing them pain. Many times we do not even realise when they've gone n came back. Cause we are too busy to see, to stop, to watch, to know and to understand..

It was so strange to watch both of them on the road. It was as if we three were the only people there. They were a girl and boy together and me- the catalyst who had a small part to play in their story. We all have a part in everyone's story. However negligible. Watching our actions is necessary.. Having consideration for others, for all the people who give us a part in their story on this earth. I feel bad that I did not wait for a moment and let the boy pass too.. Had i been vigilent, I would've seen him before i sped up. But i was in my own world, surrounded by my own worries.. So is everyone of us.. But we should try to be alert and make sure we are catalyst for more good things than bad in other people's life. I always did but now I'm going to try to strive more to not be a routine hurdle.. :) I hope the girl and boy are together now.. God Bless!


:).. Kiti chan vichar kartes :)

Hmm.. yetat automatically.. :) But that incident was really heart touching.. Had anyone noticed it or felt it..

thod miss kelyavar bhetanychi maja kay aaurch...nahi ka? all credits goes to you catalyst.

Te alach.. viraha jhala ki kalta kharach kiti prem ahe.. :) to paryanta we take everything and everyone for granted! so its good..

Wow, what an insightful post. You're so right, a small act on our part can change someone else's life. I too hoped he arrived safely by her side.

Thanks Chriss! long time.. :) its a bit too long though..

you write well! nice post! enjoy your writings!

Thank you so much!! :)