The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

Tension-Sleep-Eat-and more tension!! Thats what happens when you have less than 30 days in hand and with 365 days' worth work to complete!! :-( so basically you just let yourself get torn between a sense of utter hopelessness and a strong will-power coupled with perseverance and watch the effects which include bearing (people and me alike) unabashed irritation, extreme frustration, exceptional restlessness. Its doesn't help feeling that a savage bout of cough is on its way piercing through the throat, which has nothing to do with the cold weather (which has miraculously disappeared) but more to do with the psychological state of imperishable tension and stress from doing nothing. On the brighter side you just feel like giving everything up! :-) A little comfort comes from knowing that my tutor is still going to find time to help me catch up with the whole year's portion.

The realization that this world and everything in it is just an illusion keeps striking every now and then but you still have to gone on with the mundane life as someone up there wants you to believe in these illusions. So hoping to end the vicious cycle as soon as possible, I end it in the post for the time being.. ;-) let the tension not dampen our spirit, lets dampen the tension with spirits! Cheers!


You are right.. the world is an illusion... or MAYA you can call in spiritual sense... or like a virtual world from matrix. Thankfully you are not powering any machines like in the matrix. The soul truly needs high energy sources which can only be generated through our daily routines of frustration and excitement. And when you can control those and yet feed your soul.. you are one happy soul ;)

Yes thats precisely what I wanted to say. :) You need to feel all the emotions in order to feel life.. And once you are full to the brim with life you begin feeling death.. :) how exciting!