The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

A time comes when everything seems to be perfectly alright. Everything falls in place, work, love, family, friends, the self too. But then as said before what is life if its perfect and so without any reason, this feeling comes to haunt you. A feeling of moss covered nostalgia, dark despair, piercing loneliness, and screaming frustration which wrecks havoc on each and every inch of you, inside and outside.
No amount of will power to stay calm and composed can't help you stop drifting away from your aim and jumping to conclusion or exaggerating trivial issue.. The insides were sreaming in protest and the outside world was facing the consequences of the self made hurricane.. you try to vent it out, but its as sticky as cotton wool on hands coated with glue, can't shake it off so easily.. The feeling has to stay cause it has to disrupt the illusion of a perfect life that you are going through. The more you try to push it aside, take it out, throw it away, the more it clings on to you, it becomes a parasite. Sucking away at the all the rotten things you feel and at those which it injects into you.. It becomes a vicious cycle and it goes on burning every trace of perfection.. This twisted weirdness knows not where to stop and hence you are the one who has to get a grip and wash it all away. It takes a few seconds at times and at times it stays on for long.. But mostly if ebbs away once its aim is fulfilled and it won't do much harm unless you let it carry on.. Once you manage to convince it that the damage it has caused is enough for life to go on, then you can safely assume that this twisted weirdness will sit back and you get to work like its slave, to keep it happy with a few imperfections here and a few there, so that it doesn't attack you again.
Though at times you get carried away with your perfections and this little weirdness has no option than to hit you back to your senses again.. All it does is try to keep you in the race, to keep you alive.. And here I go blaming it for my mood swings and all the bad things! So next time you are low think bout this twisted weirdness and thank it for the fortune it has in store for you!


Yup.. very true... perfection is not always fun... and whats the fun if the small bit which needs to be worked, played with, laughed at is missing.