The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

Feeling like a puppet..
At the hands of the heart,
At the hands of all the people known, all the souls past..
Emotions which are either riding a roller-coaster or are playing deaf and dumb underwater..
With past memories floating through the ears and making their presence felt of the blank curtains of the eyes..
The heart churns out forgiveness but the defaulters couldn't care less..
All the color and light around helps not the darkness gulping the heart..
Faces dear yesterday blankly ignore your eye today..
Making them fill with tears and reminding you of all your fears..
Wishing for a saviour.. Waiting, hoping against hope..
Losing the challenge with life, who conspires with destiny,
Like a juvenile naive fool striding across all the known frontiers again and again..
Learning the lessons yet not learning from them..
Tears abound and yet eyes remain dry,
The soul cries out, helpless as always, but the ears are all deaf and dead..
No eyes can see the signs, no skin can feel the pain, No heart can sense the agony..
Other than the one that suffers..
Glassy, stoney, empty, hard and cold..
Reaching out doesn't help..
Hope plays the same role as ever- it lies, it fakes and it cons, it betrays and it weaves new dreams again..
It ensnares and it enchants.. and it captures the prey forever..
It makes you forgive, it makes you love, it makes you go back and it makes you bare all..
It makes you naked with all your masks down..
It helps you live the way you really are..
A puppet... At the hands of the things you really want..
A puppet at the hands of hope..
Is there a way out? Somewhere? A way out of hope??
It hurts..
-A puppet