The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

[Again not exactly the way i wanted it to come out :-(]

I'm the master of the game now..
I shall pull the strings henceforth..
Wait and watch, for all the pain that you inflicted on me..
This shall be my sweet vengeance, and you wouldn't even notice!

You ignored my pleas,
I stumbled behind you as you chased your goals..
I prayed for you..
And you brutally crushed my dreams not to look back even once!

I promised you the sky and all the stars that it holds..
but yours was a different color..

Running through all the wilderness of the bright lights..
You found your calling,
And one fine day you re-surfaced..

I derive monstrous pleasure knowing you still anchor there where you left me to the winds..
Knowing I have my satisfaction
while you do not..

You made me the way I've become now,
You sucked out the innocence,
You drained it all out of me,
And now you come back for more..

You disgust me with your expectation..
You tire me with you worthless talk..
I care no more, can't you see?
But i still do somewhere maybe..
For I can never be you..

But I will control the game henceforth..
And you shall be my puppet..
You wouldn't even know,
When you submit yourself..
And then I shall have the last laugh..

I'm the master now.. and you shall be my slave..

-The Super Bitch


Pretty scathing attack!!!!! And a very proper sign off for this kind of blog!

D'fcuk are you talking about? - Eric Cartman.

@Cartman: Shut up! your mum's a s**t! :P ok.. its about something i told you yesterday! haha! think think..

Hmmmn....weird and abstract thoughts lurk in the deep recesses of an unstable atom, what? :)

Superb!!! Still trying to imagine what you had in your mind when you wrote this... absolutely a great piece of writing...