The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

Made of lies it feels,
And the feeling lies too..

All was a lie and then the lie lied..
A lie is better in a way, it stands for what it is..
Truth on the other hand has various versions.. (read somewhere)

I prefer lies at times, so long as it promises to stay..
But the truth will always stay and is not conditional so i prefer it always..

The tiny bug on the grass besides me,
The rustle of wind as you arrive...
The twinkle in you eyes that caresses me gently,
The taste that lingers on my lips..

The lies of it all and yet the truth..

Our lie is our truth..
And what lies beneath is the truth..

It is ours hence beautiful :)