The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

So many times in life we meet people who touch our lives in the most unfamiliar ways.. They touch your lives and hearts so deeply in such special gestures that its never the same again. At times the other person does not really feel the same, but it happens rarely when either of the two fails to realize what it is. Most of the times both have identical feelings, though it can't be named as something as heavy or light as love or friendship. However, it is equally special. Something which bonds these two people for life.

Such relations transcend all barriers be it age, sex, martial/relationship status, distance, religion, nationality.. none of it matters.. its just two people who fit one or more part of the jig saw of each others life..

Not all are lucky enough to be a part of the other's journey for as long as they would love to.. They cannot let the threads be intertwined forever.. They have to let go, break apart.. For varied and seemingly strange reasons.. most of them being societal barriers..

Many times to protect them from being bruised, such relations are better left, to go away, to be torn apart,
to be reminded by a bright ray of sun on some rainy afternoon, a sniff of coffee beans while passing an old coffee shack, the smile of a stranger with a crooked tooth, the swaying of trees, the breeze caressing the hem of the dress..

They are better left to destiny, better left to seek their own path elsewhere..
Some relations are better left unnamed..


I have experienced that the better relationships are those that "just happen" "(almost as if by luck), and most remain unnamed, or rather without a label.

yes indeed.. may be they are better cause they are free to breathe not being caught up by the strings that are attached to labels.. :)

Until they both realize,they are free souls. But once either of them realizes,that free behaviour is sent back to some corner.

im sorry doc.. not really getting the drift of what you saying... They both are always free and so is the relationship. But sadly our society wants all things bound with some sort of names.. n so such relationships get strangulated beneath their weight..

Everyone or everything is related (or is in relationship with) to everything else. This forms a huge n complex net of relationships. From ones point of view, these relationships can be divided in 3 types: 1. Relationships whose existence one does not require to know of and 99% of the time one does not know of.
2. Relationships whose existence one can sense but fail to understand.
3. Relationships whose existence one does know of and can give a name to it.

This is first time you have written on something simple! :)

thank you for visiting my blog.

@om: i wonder if you could give me access to your profile i do not encourage anonymous visitor. else i will sadly have to block you. :)

well, actually ..I don't have account at gmail or any related site.. I am hacker,
I think you might know me.. Might have seen me few times!!
I usually fail to understand your writings..but haah I think I was able to read this one :)
- Onkar Bhosekar

@om: ohhhh.. then you should be "on" not "om". and how can i make sure its you?