The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

(These are a few line which were on my mind when i woke up his morn. Made a lot of sense and sounded very good that time. Tried to tweak around a bit. But not as good as they were when fresh. But as the finer details of a dream slip from the clutches of the mind, hoodwinking it, so did these words.. All i was left with was: Before i move.. And so here is whatever i could make of it)

Let me hold your hand once more..
Let me drink in your smile.

Let us let laughter go mad again..
Let us help the pain melt away free from our heart's cage.

Can i shelter in your warmth again,
And help fight my demons?

Before i move away..
Before i move on..
To the astral plane..

I'm still the same..
The one you so cherished..
The on who knows your soul?

Did you not see me before?
Will you not see me..
Before i move?

The minutes are covered again with stale moss
and the flowers bloom with gloom..

Will you be there when i move?
Move on..?

Do you not feel the strings so strongly attached still?
You attempt to cut them down..

You are not the caterpillar who will lose her destiny of color,
If she fails to bite out of the cocoon..

You are the north star who is always there when the sun fails us..

Let me bask in you shine..
Let me know you are still the same too..
Within, if not without..

Let us be small again and fight over who cares more..
Let us grow up and share The most unspeakable of secrets, or so we think..

Will you be there?

Before I move on..
Before I move away..


The first half has the hint of a leaf trembling when the dew drop runs off the tip...till 'flowers bloom...'
The second half feels like a drenched peepal sunning itself on a sunday afternoon in July

oh my god!! you are way too awesome with words!! :)
Guess my posts start off being too negative n end with a hint of positivity.. Even if the idea is sad..
But its very nice to have you read n comment! thank you..