The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

The small things from the bygone era. I love them and miss them!
Some of them are:

1) The gift shop era.. Those trips to gift shops with elder sisters on valentines day, buying gifts but having no one to gift! Making small gifts with sketch pens and glittering paper and transparent paper with little red hearts printed, for the family and a few close friends :D aww miss it!!!!!!
2) The way the roads were.. some dust along it always..
3) Falling off bi-cycles and grazing knees!
4) Running out in the first rain!! When cousin screamed to come out and play! When it was only her and me on the road, it was raining so heavily! :D
5) Watering trees and plants with grand-dad's permission
6) School-buses and missing them! ;)
7) Chits passed in the class-room
8) Eagerly awaited festivals, new clothes, dinners out!
9) Small red heart cut outs in greeting cards!! Leaving school bags outside while visiting the gift shops close to school.
10) Singing songs during the school picnic and hoping for the crush to understand the lyrics! :D ;)
11) Standing up for friends in front of the class teacher/principal
12) E-mail forwards!! with those meaningful message.
13) Hoping to get the crush as a partner during computer practical!
14) Gathering!! :D dance practices after school and during school hours!! :D ;)
15) Afternoons with no home work.. afternoons with homework not being done!
16) Early morning homework copying in class
17) Genuine leave notes and forging leave notes, cause mom didn't approved bunking school :P hehehehehe
18) Pretend stomach ache to bunk school, and later on go to school even with real stomach ache..
19) Cheering the cricket team ;)
20) Getting cheered and cheered up by the guys..
21) "A" division.. :) :)
22) Staying back long after the whole school has gone home..
23) Sneaking in the staff room
24) Hating being labelled trouble makers and yet continuing to be them!
25) Half day Saturdays.. walking home form the corner, lovely afternoons..
26) 10th standard vacation and all the books read, all the chocolates, juice and chips consumed.. (thats when i put on all the weight!!)
27) Mumbai visits with the BFF.. :) :) :) :) (hopefully more to come)
28) Rescuing puppies and kittens, being scolded, crying, tantrums.. (eventually i got a pet!)
29) Asking for permission to go out/stay over
30) Pocket money!!!!! :D :)
31) Movies on DD1 on Friday and Saturday nights
32) Early morning serials on Sundays! Shri Krishna, Rangoli, Shaktiman etc etc :) :)
33) Smells, sounds, sights, feelings, certain words and certain people, places..

Wish i could've lived in the older mumbai, like the one in the movie Chotisi baat.

So many things.. many many more.. Of childhood and dreams.. Weaving our own world..
Childhood has disappeared but the child lives on.. the dreams do too!! Now with the capability to make them come true.. :) :) The child lives on.. Bright eyed, and hopeful.. Living it up!! :D


lovely! Very nostalgic :-)