The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

Closed loops, full of color..
Each one a different color..
Some a mix of many..
I've quite a few buried in my closet..
Deep down.
Hidden under the accumulated mud of desire..
Unseen for years now..
Wonder if they've faded..
I hear a soft knock from time to time, but i pay no attention..
How would these skeletons be now?
Would they be alive or just bones now?
Should i take a peek?
Should i let them smell the fresh air through their decayed noses?
But which one shall i pick and why?
What if they refuse to go back in, since they so want to be reborn?
What if the loops continue or worse what if they don't!
I uncover them one by one delicately caressing the dust away..
Never completely but just enough..
Wisps of familiar breath on my tired lips..
Old loops fall into unfamiliar patterns now..
Wonder in what surprising dance they wish to lead me to!
As i follow..
Lost in the moment..
They joy of the living moment, right now..
Dancing the colorful butterflies yet again.. for each..
Untamed, wild, alive! :) :)

BP- hoola hoops or loopeety loopeety loops?!?
CP- aaaaand we are back! :D thats my baby!