The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

I want to go on a trip where i wont have to keep looking over my shoulder.. with no home to come back to.. no one worrying behind me.. and nothing to look forward to.. just the road.. long winding unexpected.. lost..
On a road which holds none of the past.. neither the joy nor the pain..
Where every pain will be a new experience and so will every joy.. and then i will chose which one i like better..
Perhaps then i will fall in love with pain, and hopefully then it will be only pain i get..
Or maybe there, on that road i will have only joy.. and no semblance of pain, where i would've fallen in love with happiness, the way i have now..
I want to go on this trip.. For a lifetime perhaps even of a lifetime..
Where time doesn't take revenge for stealing moments..
Where nature is fair to all..
Where i'm allowed to be all that i am, without being judged and hurt for it..
Where everyone is true.. True to themselves and others.. And lies are only a game they play, and come out at the end of the day's play..
Where you get exactly what you deserve and you know it too..
Where love is valued beyond any jewel..
Where the lover is not treated as scum but respected and loved back..
Where you get peace if thats what you want..
Where patience is virtue but its not forced upon you..
Where everyone is recognized and appreciated and encouraged..
Where everyone is our own and warm..
Where borders melt and so do enemies..
Where weapons are only to kill lies and hurt if their come into existence..
Where purity and justice thrives within all..
Where no one is bound for life..
And yet they are on this trip..
I want to go on a trip....
Of a lifetime..
For a lifetime..