The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

I missssss travelling. It is liberating. Travelling for work or just aimlessly. Honeymoon afterthoughts- it was more of a tour and should've been planned a bit differently. More leisure time was required than the running around! :D Or maybe i just need a trip for being quiet. Again repeating the same thing from the previous posts. Another of the recently occurred incidences is the dissolving of our unit at work, sold off etc. It just created a feeling of melancholy of people going away. We put so much of ourselves into the work work do that when it is taken away from us, and it always is, it creates a sort of huge gaping hole in us. And then filling it up with something else takes time. i guess thats that phase i'm going through. The process of filling up gaps. It includes the holes created after reading a book! Hell thats one critical hole. Though after a book is over, we can savor its flavor for sometime and then move on into reality. Well i just need things to fill up my time and my mind.. And there are things so readily available and being offered. Thanks to the lovely person who is besides me all the time.. :) Willing to do anything for my smile.. Yes some decisions i took were right. Men take time to understand things that are natural to women, when you explain they understand and if they will they will definitely act on them. But there are some who refuse to understand because they don't wish to act on them. Thankfully I've got the former! I don't know if this is some kind of validation or self-assurance thing im writing about. Maybe it just helps me to understand everything happening with me and around me a little better. Since everything is NEW! :S at work at home, phew! There should be a lot happening but there is a curious lack of activity. I feel lethargic. I need to get out of this stupid cocoon and get on with it. and that i will! i wonder if everyone goes through these phases. I guess they do. Well anyway, bored i am already. Until next rambling. see ya! :P :D