The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

So. I've been asked many times to just forget things. Usually the painful stuff that happens, which apparently is no one's mistake. Even though i can give exact proof that i was indeed someone's mistake. However, that point aside, sometimes we do need to just forget somethings in order to move on or to stop feeling miserable. I think it is very much possible to just completely forget something if we really want to and make that decision absolute. By absolute i mean that we don't leave even a minuscule desire to remember it. There are somethings that i have forgotten that way.
Another thing is concentration. Have you ever just concentrated on one thing with your eyes? I have experienced this before but recently while waiting at a traffic signal i was just looking at the signal and for a long time without blinking, as if in a trance and things around it slowly started blacking out.. All i could see was the signal and nothing around it. Then the signal started blacking out and i had to blink! That made me think a little bit. So many times we hear people advising us to concentrate on the positive qualities of people. I never could think of it. I used to think but all the qualities make the person so why concentrate on the good only! Well it depends. Depends on if you want the person in your life and in what way if you do. If you really want that person in your life, if you know that there are lots of good positive qualities in him which are important, if you want a strong healthy relationship but if some minor negative ones are coming in way then you this concentration on good will help. Combined with the forgetting exercise.
If you don't think about whats negative and you keep looking at positive then you will see only positive! However it also makes me wonder if I'm talking about denial here? Denial that the person has negative points? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you can still be aware that certain qualities are there which puts you on the guard. I guess we can twist and modify the combination of concentration and forgetting at the level that we want.. Why not give it a try? ;) Its always good to make yourself feel better if the other person can't change themselves right? Give it a try I'd say :) Let the bad things blackout, who knows they might really stop existing? After all the world is all an illusion ;)