The Soulful Atom

Reflecting over life through weird, crazy, ever changing, euphoric, absurd, confused and at times impartial lenses -a journey of curiosity and questions with my two alter egos.. as I try to fall out of the stagnation of instability.. or the desperate attempt to remain..

There are so many things that pass my mind every single day every single moment. I wonder how i manage to go on with all my daily activities sometimes. It reduced quite a bit though these days. The stress. The stress that i underwent in that one relationship is enough for me to last a lifetime along with being one of the most beautiful things. But i think the more beautiful it is if it ends its equally horrid. The worst part is when the relationship ends cause of loss of trust. Thats exactly what happened with me. I won't blame him or anything. But the trust was lost. Even now when i think back to it wondering if i could forgive him now, the answer is yes i forgive him but would i take him back? No, cause the trust is no more. And thats the most basic thing ever for any relationship. Maybe its my shortcoming that i can't trust him, but the fact remains. This came to my notice just as i was think of the things that i always wanted. Silly simple things or even big ones.. Things that i never got before n now that i have them i feel blessed. I think it happens for a reason. After all no matter how much you love a person and are willing to go to the world's end if that person is not reciprocating it ends up meaning nothing. We are humans after all. And yes, words of experience, you do get what you want! :)
Its nice to have someone you can trust, with all the reassurances you need, you demand and sometimes are given even without asking. Things which i craved and begged for are dropped in my lap without asking this time around.. Yes, things do happen for a reason and for that im thankful.
I Feel proud to belong to you.. more than happy or exicted thats how i feel. Cause its the way you make me feel.. The patience, the strength, the love, the care, the adoration, respect, belief that you shower upon me.. I couldn't have asked for more.. Thank you my love. Thank you for accepting me as your own.. sigh..

The post digressed a bit.. but there it is.. my heart out in the open yet again. Mixed emotions served in equally mixed words! haha.. thats what life is isn't it ;) :D yay

BP- yip blip mmlip clip dlip flip flop blop mop...
CP- GOd bless you my child
BP- *distracted* and then *excited* me? me? me? me?? oooo me? me? me?
CP- oh dear me, yes you too
BP- OOooo *dreamy* mmeeeee.....
